Do You Sweat Excessively? How Botox Could Help

If you suffer from excessive sweat that's not exercise- or temperature-related, you may want to visit your doctor to check for hyperhidrosis. Some people sweat excessively because of undiagnosed conditions, like hyperthyroidism; however, some people have a condition called hyperhidrosis. People with hyperhidrosis may have triggers, like certain foods or odors, that cause excessive sweating, or they may have overactive signals along nerve branches that control sweat glands. Whatever the cause, if excessive sweat is causing you to feel uncomfortable, you may want to look into Botox treatments.

What Is Botox?

Botox is a protein that's derived from the Clostridium botulinum bacteria. Botox is often used as a cosmetic treatment to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, but spas, salons, dermatologists, and even dentists also use Botox to treat many other conditions. When Botox is injected underneath the muscle into overactive nerves, it temporarily paralyzes overactive neurotransmitters (by blocking the release of acetylcholine) so that signals don't reach sweat glands.

What Do Studies Say?

One study showed that Botox was able to reduce underarm sweating two weeks after the first injections. 98% of the study's participants said that they'd recommend this treatment to others.

According to one review, other therapeutic strategies for hyperhidrosis often have been limited by adverse side effects, so the option of Botox for facial, underarm, and palm sweating can be beneficial since it's minimally invasive and effective.

Lastly, while researchers haven't conducted as many studies for excessive plantar sweating, one study found that Botox was a safe and effective treatment after a three-month follow-up appointment.

 What Are Treatments Like?

When you visit a spa for a Botox treatment, the doctor or esthetician will apply a topical anesthetic or ice first to numb the areas to be treated. Botox injections only target the areas where they are applied, so if you have sweating on your face and underarms, you'd need two or more injections to treat those problem areas. You may experience a pinching sensation during an injection, but the procedures shouldn't be painful. There may be some bruising and swelling at the injection site, but you can resume your normal activities immediately after a Botox session.

Depending on the location and how many injections you need, Botox treatments can cost between $300 and $1,200. Since Botox is a cosmetic procedure, it may not be covered by insurance; however, some insurance companies may be willing to cover a portion of the cost if you and your doctor can show that you've tried other options first, like prescription antiperspirants, with little success. The good news is that the effects of one Botox treatment can last you many months before you'd need another appointment.

Reach out to a spa or salon in your area for more information on Botox treatments.
