3 Common Parts of a Pedicure Appointment

If you haven't had a pedicure in the past, you might be intrigued about this type of spa appointment after you hear friends excitedly talking about it. Whether you go on your own or book a spa visit with a few friends, it's ideal to know what to expect during your pedicure. This appointment is about more than just getting your nails painted. While it can be fun to check out a large selection of nail polish colors and choose one that suits your sense of style, there are lots of other parts to this session. Here are three common things you'll experience during a pedicure.

Dead Skin Removal

Unless you take impeccable care of your feet at home, there's a good chance that you have some dead skin on this part of your body. Many people have calluses and other skin issues on their toes and feet, and a pedicure appointment is a good opportunity to address these issues. Your spa attendant will use a variety of tools to gently remove the dead skin. This will not only make your feet healthier, but you'll also find that they feel and look better. If you've never had a pedicure and you tend to neglect to care for your feet, the difference in how they look before and after the session will be significant.

Foot Massage

Many pedicure sessions feature a foot massage. You may get a short massage during the treatment, but many spas allow you to book an upgraded pedicure that gives you a longer massage. Lots of peoples' feet are tired and sore from standing and walking throughout the day. You'll find that even a short massage will not only feel good for your tired feet but it can also help to relax you. Don't be afraid to close your eyes and lean back in the chair as your spa attendant massages your feet.


Your spa attendant will also moisturize your feet during your pedicure. A lot of people have dry feet and even if you use a cream on your hands and face throughout the day, you might overlook doing so for your feet. If you have cracked heels, this can often be a sign that your feet aren't as moist as they could be. One or more creams will help to moisturize and soften the skin on your feet, likely making them feel better than they have for a long time. Contact a spa in your area to learn more about its pedicure spa services.
